Indah Zahra, S.Psi., MA

Indah Zahra, S.Psi., MA

Indah Zahra, S.Psi., MA

Assesor & Konselor

Developing adolescent interest in psychology, particularly developmental psychology, educational psychology, and industrial psychology based on the latest research and developments.


  • ✔️Master Degree in Psychology - Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018
  • ✔️Bachelor Degree in Psychology - Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2014


  • ✔️Certified Assessor, LPT UI 2022


  • ✔️Operational Manager - Biro Psikologi di Jakarta (2020 - now)
  • ✔️Layouter Dapur Publikasi Psikologi - Fakultas Psikologi UGM (2017 - 2019)
  • ✔️Learning Data Categorization Team - Learning Technology Development Unit UGM (2018)
  • ✔️Technical Team - Technical Manual, Tes Kognitif AJT, Fakultas UGM (2018)
  • ✔️Field Assistant - Laboratorium PAUD UGM. Research Field: Gadget and Addiction in Early Childhood (2016 - 2018)
  • ✔️Assessor Assistant - Recruitment Project PT Pegadaian Palu (2014 )
  • ✔️Assessor Assistant - Government Officer Profiling BKKBN Bengkulu (2012)

Research Publication

Ammik Kisriyani, Indah Hidayah, "Gadgets Using Profiling in Preschool Children in Yogyakarta", The 2nd International Conference on Child-Friendly Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2018


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